Finding Your Way Around the GCS
Alessio Morale
Lalanne Laurent
Vasilis Tsaknis
Paul Jewell
When you open the GCS for the first time, you will see that it is organized into tabs and pages for easy navigation.
Use this page for reference to discover the details of each section of the GCS.
Please note every help icons in GCS point to the related Wiki page
The greeting tab which shows you the latest project information and activity, provides buttons for the other pages, as well as containing the start button for the Vehicle Setup Wizard.
Displays live data from the flight controller. Display useful information about flight controller status like alarms in SystemHealth.
This tab contains sub pages which enable you to configure major elements of the flight controller using simple graphical interfaces.
None of the sub pages are active unless a flight controller is connected to GCS.
A configurable interface for viewing and modifying advanced settings, live data, GPS data and more.
Real-time graphing of flight controller data. Care should be taken to not let auto-scaling fool you into thinking you have a problem where there is none.
The longer a scope is functioning, the tighter the scale may get, and a very small deviation in a value may look significant when it's not.
An interface for the GCS to act as a bridge between a flight simulator, and either actual hardware running through the telemetry link or simulated hardware running on the computer.
Firmware: Inspect the current firmware version, and upgrade the bootloader/firmware of the flight controller.
Finding Your Way Around the GCS
Using the Vehicle Setup Wizard
Welcome Tab
Flight Data Tab
Configuration Tab
- Hardware Configuration
- Vehicle Configuration
- Input Configuration
- Output Configuration
- Attitude Configuration
- Stabilization Configuration
- Camera Stabilisation Configuration
- OPLink Configuration
System Tab
Scope Tab
Firmware Tab
Import and Export Settings
UAV Settings Import-Export
Import/Export vehicle template
- Configure a Current-Voltage sensor
- Configure an analog airspeed sensor
- Use board as HoTT telemetry sensor
- Setup WS281x Led
- External arming led for CC3D
- Extend a Flightcontroller with an Arduino
- MinOPOSD setup
- MWOSD Setup
- Add a buzzer to Multirotor frame
- Configure a GPS for CC3D
- Setup a CC3D for GPS
- Setup a bluetooth for telemetry
- ESC Calibration
- Setup a Spektrum Satellite
- Control vehicle using joystick
- AutoTune
- Recover board using DFU
- Recover board using ST-Link
- Homemade Helix GPS antenna
- Setup a external temperature sensor
Advanced features
- Altitude Hold
- GPS setup
- Setting Home location
- Sensor calibration
- GPS Flight modes
- Position Hold
- Return to base
- Auto Take Off
- Auto Land
- Gps assist
- Autonomous POI setup
Advanced tuning