Input Configuration

Input Configuration


This page describes the contents of the Input tab.

Four tabs

  • RC Input to configure the controls,
  • Flight Mode Switch Settings to configure how the different flight modes can be selected,
  • Failsafe settings to configure the default controls values while failsafe is triggered,
  • Arming Settings to configure the input required to arm the model.

In this page

RC Input Tab

Remote Control Input


Calibration and Configuration options

The two buttons at the top of the page start the Transmitter Setup Wizard, and the Manual Calibration process for the inputs.
If all input channels are already correctly configured Manual Calibration can be used to reflect some Rc Transmitter changes, be sure to move ALL sticks and switches to their maximum.


Receiver Activity

Tells the user about input activity, useful to find the channel assigned to one stick movement or a channel with gitter.


Input Channel Configuration

This table links the function with the RC input type and channel, and also allows configuration of signal range.
The best way to configure this is to run the transmitter wizard, which will guide you through this process step by step.
Deadband allows some float in the neutral position.

Mixed input types

Mixed input types can be used, like one channel using PWM and others using S.Bus.

This means the hardware tab has this input types configured previously.

Flight Mode Switch Settings


Flight Mode Switch Positions

Up to six different flight modes can be configured, provided the transmitter has the capability. The flight modes available depend on the flight controller.
For more flexibility, there are three settings banks, so you can configure the settings for the desired flight style.
Assisted Control is only available as a GPS mode on GPS capable flight controllers.

2Tells the user if there is something wrong in configuration, can be a not supported FlightMode or incompatible Thrust mode in primary stabilization mode.
Heed the warnings about flight mode incompatibility for different airframes!.

Stabilization Modes Configuration

Each of the six primary Stabilization modes can be configured to utilize appropriate functions based on desired performance.
Modes are:

  • Manual - Direct pass through from the RC input signal to the output. Not to be used with multirotors!
  • Rate - The stick offset from neutral determines the rate of change on the controlled axis. Bringing the stick back to neutral stops the rotation, but doesn't return the airframe back to level.
  • Rate Trainer - Same as Rate above but bank angle is limited by value from max bank angle in Attitude mode
  • Attitude - Stick controls bank angle in Pitch/Roll, without action aircraft stay level. Full stick give max bank angle set for axis in Stabilization tab.
  • Axis Lock - Like Rate with more 'locking'. Preferred for Yaw control.
  • Weak Leveling - Like Rate but slowly level aircraft if controls are zero.
  • Virtual Bar - React like a helicopter with flybar.
  • Acro+ - Like Rate but at some point go to manual mode for very quick flips.
  • Rattitude - Mixes Rate and Attitude mode: Attitude when sticks are centered or Rate at full deflection.

Failsafe Settings


Flight Mode

Refers to the flightmode position to use while the failsafe is triggered.


Failsafe values

Failsafe values can be set here, in percent. Positive value if not recommended for Throttle and can give a flyaway instead of a safe "landing".

There are 2 different Failsafe types: one in the RC receiver and the other in the Flight Controller (this Tab).

Flight Controller Failsafe:
  • only takes over if the RC system stops sending pulses (or generally stops sending signal to the FC)
  • the default for the FC failsafe is to stop motors and drop from the sky
  • can be set to go to any flight mode switch position AND ALSO has an associated set of control stick positions.

RC Failsafe

  • the RC failsafe works differently in different brands, and even works differently depending on whether the transmitter has been switched on since the receiver was powered up.
  • RC failsafe may do any of these depending on brand and setting:
    • none (always stops the signal so the FC failsafe always takes over, safe.)
    • go to previously selected position (if the receiver has "seen" the transmitter to get these values, and then the transmitter goes away for some reason, else don't send pulses, generally this RC failsafe needs to be programmed to go to a specific flight mode switch position and the FC failsafe is unused)
    • always maintain the last set of received stick positions (unsafe, this one is a fly-away waiting to happen as you can imagine).

Arming Settings

The position of the sticks or Accessory (switch) used for arming the quad are configured here, together with the time out to disable. The airframe is also disarmed manually by the opposite combination of stick positions.
Timeout can be set to zero for Fixed Wing frame, this allow minimal Throttle / gliding phase without disarming board.

About Always armed

Avoid the "Always armed" mode for safe reasons :  Try to fix alarms instead, looking at System Health panel.