

-- RELEASE-16.09 - Second LibrePilot Release – Black Rhino

This is the second LibrePilot release.

This release introduces new features and new hardware support like Sparky2 board and improved external mag support.

New hardware support:

  • Sparky2 board from Taulabs,
  • Auxiliary Magnetometer: I2C and Naza GPS,
  • Revo FlexiIO port usage e.g. PPM+GPS.

New input modes:

  • Jeti Ex.Bus,
  • Graupner Hott,
  • FlySky IBus,
  • PPM up to 16 channels,
  • Revo/Sparky2 as OpenLRS receiver.

New telemetry protocols:

  • MSP, MAVLink. OSD devices that use those protocols may now be connected directly (e.g.: minimosd with MWOSD).

New Flight oriented features:

GCS improvements:

  • PFD with terrain / OsgEarth improvements (Youtube link),
  • Failsafe settings using GUI,
  • Vehicle and Transmitter wizard improvements

The full list of bug fixes and enhancements in this release is available here: https://librepilot.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=10500

(Derivative work from Cartoon Rhino)

Known Issues:

  • There is an issue with GCS not showing it as a genuine release. It is just a cosmetic issue and does not affects flight performance or reliability
  • [LP-289] - pidcontrol ne and down have nan dz if kp is zero
Operating systemDownload Link
Ubuntu 14.04 'trusty'

32bits: librepilot_16.09-0trusty1_i386.deb
64bits: librepilot_16.09-0trusty1_amd64.deb

May need extra dependencies before installing:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:librepilot/tools
sudo apt-get update
PPA for Ubuntu:
  • 14.04 (trusty)
  • 16.04 (xenial)
  • 16.10 (yakkety)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:librepilot/release
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install librepilot
Arch Linux
NOTE: this repo may not be updated with 16.09 yet

Available on the AUR or via repository by adding

SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server = http://download.librepilot.org/repo/archlinux/librepilot/$arch

to /etc/pacman.conf

Fedora 23 - 26

Repository available here.

An overlay has been created with the ebuild files for librepilot and osgearth, and added to the official gentoo layman repository list. To use this repository, you need to have layman installed and set up. 

Once you have done that, add the librepilot overlay:

layman -a librepilot

Emerge the librepilot package, taking note of the required use flag changes (app-misc/librepilot is marked as unstable)

emerge -av =app-misc/librepilot-16.09

If you previously installed librepilot system wide by running "make install" as root, then before installing with the ebuild, run "make uninstall" as root. Failure to do so will lead to some strange errors as a result of library conflicts.

Notes about 16.09

Since 16.09 the CDC driver is not installed by default, it is not needed for normal use excepted if VCP (serial) is needed.
Using Windows 10 the CDC driver is not needed anymore.

If you experience GCS crashes at startup or display issues, try installing the Mesa OpenGL driver.

-- RELEASE-15.09 - First LibrePilot Release -- Supermoon Eclipse

This is the first LibrePilot release.

This version supports the CopterControl, CC3D, Atom, Revolution, Revolution Nano, Platinum GPS (V9) and OPLink Modems.
The main focus of this release is to bring back support for CC3D and a general re-branding of the GCS.

Some key addition in this release :

  • Easytune : A TxPID feature for 'offline' tuning,
  • Improved motor scaling,
  • Different Acro+ factors for roll and pitch
  • Fixed wing: Roll differential and setup wizard improvements,
  • Import/Export and manage templates,
  • OSX fix for crashes running 'El Capitan',
  • ...

The full list of bug fixes and enhancements in this release is available here: 15.09 release JIRA list


Known Issues:

  •  Due to a change in release naming there is an issue with GCS not showing it as a genuine release. It is just a cosmetic issue and does not affects flight performance or reliability
Operating systemDownload Link
Windows LibrePilot-15.09-win32.exe
OSX LibrePilot-15.09-osx.dmg
Ubuntu 14.04
PPA for Ubuntu 15.04+
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:librepilot/release
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install librepilot
Arch Linux

Available on the AUR or via repository by adding

SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server = http://download.librepilot.org/repo/archlinux/librepilot/$arch

to /etc/pacman.conf

FedoraRepository available here.



Coptercontrol (CC)4bu_cc.opfw
OPLink Mini4bu_oplinkmini.opfw
Revolution Nano6




All firmware and bootloader files, can be used for rescue purposes:

  • fw_ is the firmware alone
  • ef_ is entire flash bootloader+firmware
  • bl_ is the bootloader alone
  • bu_ is the bootloader updater that is in opfw file, this can be flashed from GCS

.bin files can be used using external software for flashing, .opfw files can be used with Gcs uploader. (except bu_* it should not be needed because already packed with Gcs)

Firmware archive (15.09): all_fw1509.tgz

Firmware archive (16.09): all_fw1609.tgz

Hardware Information

Note: License details can be found in the archives.

CC3D: CC3D.zip

Atom: Atom.zip

Revolution: Revolution.zip

CopterControl: CopterControl.zip

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