Coordinator side (Ground)
1. Connect to the OPlink mini Ground module that you are going to use as Coordinator. 2. Go to the OPlink page in the GCS, available on the Configuration tab’s left bar. It is only visible if an OPlink, Revolution or Sparky2 is connected. 3. Set the following recommended settings: a. 'Max Power' 100mW (or maximum for your country) b. 'Com Speed' 57600 (or 38400 if you take care about refresh rates) c. 'Max chan' 250 (75 - USA requires Amateur Radio License) d. 'Min chan' 0 (53 - USA requires Amateur Radio License) e. Select the Protocol as OplinkCoordinator. f. Select the Link type as Data g. Click Save, wait a few seconds for the telemetry gadget (the meter at the bottom of the GCS) to calm down. 4. Disconnect / Reconnect your OPlink mini modem, this enables modem and show Device ID. At this point a custom device ID can be defined by user, not auto-generated. 5. Write down the Device ID. You are going to use it later. 6. Disconnect from the coordinating module. The OPlink Save button will display a green 'tick' when settings are saved, but it can disappear soon after settings are saved. This is normal behavior.
Info |
title | Using custom frequencies |
| If your country allows only a fraction of the available frequency band to be used, you can adjust the operational OPlink channel range to reflect that. The GCS indicates minimum and maximum used frequency when you change min and max channels. While operate, the link will do channel hopping within this range. Both OPlinks must have the same min and max channel pair to bind successfully. |
Warning |
| Since you set something different than 0 for Max Power setting, the board will transmit. If USB is connected, the RF module is powered and can transmit. Be sure you connected the antenna to MMCX connector or RF module can burn. This is not reversible! This also means a "0" value disables the Oplink and you can safely use the Revolution board without his antenna. |