-- RELEASE-16.09-RC1 - Second LibrePilot Release --

This is the second LibrePilot release, first release candidate.
A release candidate (RC) is a beta version with potential to be a final product, which is ready to release unless significant bugs emerge.

Known issues:
   * [LP-289] - pidcontrol ne and down have nan dz if kp is zero
   * [LP-303] - GCS menus broken when in full screen mode
   * [LP-397] - ModelView misbehaving on MacOSX

Issues in progress:
   * [LP-245] - GCS unsaved data prompt when nothing changed
   * [LP-333] - Sparky2 I2CPort needs GPIO_PuPd_UP instead of NOPULL

The full list of bug fixes and enhancements in this release is available here:

These packages are available only for testing purposes:

Operating systemDownload Link

PPA for Ubuntu

Trusty and Xenial

Fedora 23 and 24https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/parched/LibrePilot-testing/