After calibration it is convenient to export your settings into a file. The other common usage is exporting temperature calibration alone, such that it does not have to be repeated upon next calibration of other sensors or after upgrade & erase.

Export UAV objects into XML file

Import UAV objects from XML file

When importing from UAV files:

        <object name="AccelGyroSettings" id="0x1262B2D0">
            <field name="accel_bias" values="-0.000841957,-0.0601984,-0.569099"/>
            <field name="accel_scale" values="1.00235,0.994619,0.988395"/>
            <field name="accel_temp_coeff" values="0,0,0"/>
            <field name="gyro_bias" values="0.0322891,0.00425314,0.00241962"/>
            <field name="gyro_scale" values="1,1,1"/>
            <field name="gyro_temp_coeff" values="-0.0186192,-0.00151585,-0.0267329,0.000716467,-0.0101649,0.00010742"/>
            <field name="temp_calibrated_extent" values="-15.8235,72.0824"/>
        <object name="RevoSettings" id="0xC456EB9A">
            <field name="BaroGPSOffsetCorrectionAlpha" values="0.999334"/>
            <field name="MagnetometerMaxDeviation" values="0.05,0.15"/>
            <field name="BaroTempCorrectionPolynomial" values="-0.0644952,0.00604459,-0.000197262,1.42936e-06"/>
            <field name="BaroTempCorrectionExtent" values="-17.42,72.04"/>
            <field name="VelocityPostProcessingLowPassAlpha" values="0.999"/>
            <field name="FusionAlgorithm" values="Basic (Complementary)"/>

When importing UAV objects from file, settings are sent to flight-controller, but not saved until you press "Save to Board Flash". As a consequence, imported settings stay in the flight-controller memory until flight-controller is rebooted. However if you proceed with other changes without rebooting flight-controller but earlier importing UAVs file, imported settings will be saved to flash.